
Welcome to All. This blog is a discussion site, looking at our lives through our experiences, our spiritual, and, not so spiritual lens, ....what our lives look like at The Front. We are and some would argue, always have been, in interesting times. Servants, past and present have been at constant struggle with whatever the issues of the day have been. Where do we even begin to name them: poverty, hunger, education, shelter, .... and did I mention poverty? Fifty-one years ago, President Lyndon Johnson declared war on poverty, a war by the way, we're still fighting. Then again, we've always been at war with poverty, and yet poverty has remained steadfast. Jesus apparently got it right: "The poor will always be with you." But Jesus was a smart man. Did he mean what we think? Does poverty always have to be with us. Let's talk about this, and whatever else, in real and truthful ways. Let's view our lives from The Front.
If you have come to help me, then you are wasting your time. If you have come because your liberation is linked to mine, then we will work together.
----(Anonymous) Australian Aborigine Activist


Contemplative Action

The Rite of Initiation: You are going to die

A shocking statement. Perhaps. But the Franciscan Priest, Richard Rohr,,who has studied the Rite of Initiation has said the following::

"Every initiation rite I've studied had some ritual, dramatic, or theatrical way to experience crossing the threshold from life to death in symbolic form. Some ritual of death and resurrection was the centerpiece of all male initiation. It is probably why Jesus sought out and submitted to John the Baptist's offbeat death and rebirth ritual down by the riverside, when his own temple had become more concerned with purity codes than with transformation. It is probably why Jesus kept talking to his disciples, three times in Mark's Gospel, about the necessity of this death journey, and why three times they changed the subject (8:31-10:45). It is undoubtedly why Jesus finally stopped talking about it, and just did it, not ritually but actually. Death and resurrection, the paschal mystery, is the theme of every single Eucharist no matter what the feast or season. It takes us many seasons and even years to overcome our resistance to death.

"The transformational journey of death and resurrection is the only real message. It makes you indestructible. The real life, God's life, is running through you and in you already. But allowing it to flow freely doesn't come easily. When you do, the spiritual journey really begins. Up to that moment it is just religion. Everything up to then is creating the container, but you have not yet found the contents; you are creating the wineskins, as Jesus says, but you are not yet drinking the intoxicating wine."

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Who's to blame?....

Philadelphia's  a beautiful city. This year, particularly, its been a light winter.  The New Year barely begun,  we're looking forward to a good year.. But late last night, then earlier at 8:45pm, again at 3:30pm, still earlier at 1pm, 3am, 1:24am and 11:25 Saturday night, shootings took place on Philadelphia streets. A major public health issue for sure, in so many ways.

Ten individuals had trauma inflicted on their bodies. When taken to the emergency rooms of the area hospitals, mostly Temple and Einstein (of course Hahnemann is no longer in the picture), we can only imagine the trauma inflicted on countless others ----physicians, nurses, lab technicians, EMTs---- as they once again engage in the task of trying to preserve human life. Yet again bearing witness to the carnage a bullet can wreak on the human body. Counting the minutes as life uneccesarily leaves another human being, must be unbearable. I know some of these individuals.. they've told me so.
I can imagine policemen weeping at the end of a shift after hearing witness to the harm human beings are capable of visiting on each other.

But their sorrow is never to be compared to the sorrow of the mothers, the fathers, the siblings for whom life is forever changed. Thoughts and prayers are no consolation... enough said.
When is someone dead enough? In several of these shootings, multiple, MULTIPLE, injuries were incurred by the victim. And in most instances just one gunshot would have been fatal. Why 2,... or 3? These are deliberate acts of violence, not passion in the moment, . or maybe they are. People are passionately angry, or passionately hopeless, or passionately traumatized in their own right. We don't know. We only know that 3 people have uneccesarily died, an 18 month old child has been injured and no one has been arrested.

So where is the end..where is the hope?

Blame has no home here. We are all here together..sharing the agony of a society withering in anger, in despair in "whatdowedonextness". But while we share feelings we can also listen, not only to each other, but to the lives that are lost. What are they trying to tell us? The names, ..the times of death, ..the circumstances, the parents, the siblings, all have something to say, to those of us remaining, about where our society is headed. Collectively, we are called to remember them and to hear their voices,...and to act on their pleading. They are begging us to be watchful and mindful of, and to change the next 24 hours and beyond.