"When I first wake up, I wake up in a field of gratitude and thanksgiving. I’m just very grateful to be awake and aware and alive, in an attitude that allows me to see differently. When I’m in gratefulness, when I’m in gratitude, then I can’t vibrate on worry, doubt and fear. And I cannot live in the future as well because gratitude is now.
"So that’s the first thing I do. And then I will say something along these lines: “I’m available to more good, more love, more wisdom, more knowledge, more joy than I have ever realized, experienced, imagined before in my life.”
"I throw myself open by saying that.
"I’m now available to more good, more love, more peace, more joy – whatever the qualities are that I’ve ever experienced, realized or imagined before in my life – so, I’m on now a precipice of becoming more myself. So, I’m not living on yesterday’s laurels.
“I’m available to more good than I’ve ever imagined to come forward in my life and I’m not under any delusion that I know what that good is!”
"I’m not under the illusion, and I haven’t defined what that good is. I’m just available. I’m grateful and I’m available. Now, transformation can occur.
"And we always know it’s transformation because it surprises us – and if it doesn’t surprise you, it’s not transformation. It could be something that you’ve expected and put together in a nice, little, neat package.
"But when you throw yourself open by asking empowering questions and by willing to be more than you’ve ever thought you could be, you get surprised by the depth what’s inside of you!
"It’s so potent that it’s oftentimes shocking.
"You have to be prepared to free flow – what I call “free fall” – and surrender to the good that’s beyond what you can even describe. And so, a lot of the spiritual work is really about moment-by-moment preparation, to release the illusions of what you think makes you happy, to move into being a giver and a sharer of the Divine."
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