In the past year, I've been working with Transdermal Global as clinical director, developing a device to deliver insulin across the skin for treating diabetes. All the while Miriam Medical Clinics is moving along, very nicely, thanks to my practice partners, our board of directors and several hundred very loyal patients.
I've continued with Temple University Medical School and its Bioethics Master's program and the Temple IRB. And, oh yes, sttill teaching at USciences, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.
Moving beyond these local ventures, planning a possible trip to Haiti in January, 2019, followed quickly by another trip to Kenya the same month. Giving being in places at the same time its true meaning,... can't be done :-).
Healthcare is my thing. Has been since 1965. Yes, you've done the math right. I was young,..15 years old to be exact. This has been a job for life. I used to be asked how its going, I'm asked, how's it going, and when are you going to retire? My response id easy to the second part of that question: When Springsteen and van Zant retire, I will.As to the first part of the questions,.. It truly could not be going better. Health is good, family good, energy level is high, and God, the Universe has kept me going.. Yes, still crazy after all these years.
But I'm way too busy, I haven't taken time to write in my blog/journal in over a year; my exercise frequency is way down (and weight is up,... yes there seems to be an inverse proportion here, .. thus, this mathematical ratio is confirmed;..and most importantly my bass guitar dreams have taken a backseat,... not good, not good at all.
We're all too busy,.. I'm not alone in that respect, And you have to ask yourself, cliched as it might be, What's important here? Saving the world or saving yourself? Paying attention to the healthcare system, broken as it may be, or paying attention to relationships, at risk for becoming broken? Or can we do it all? One has to wonder. I say no, you can't do it all, or you can try and become way too busy in the process.
So what to do? When you find out, please clue me in. Because I'm at a loss. The state of the world demands, yes, demands, our attention. And if we don't pay attention our children inherit a world that will indeed be difficult to fix. And, we have to remember that it is about our children because, as I tell my students, we're outta here. So at least setting things up for our children to even consider moving the ball forward becomes our job now and mentoring teaching them in how to pay attention and what to pay attention to,has utmost significance.
This is a crucial; point in our history. So we must become teachers (of those who follow), but that's a full time job. And its tiring. My guess is, that's why relationships and companionship are important to build, because why we're setting the court for our children to build a better world, we can build better and more sustaining relationships among ourselves. On so many levels does this apply. The point was driven home for me when I spoke with a woman yesterday who felt along, forsaken and had thrice attempted suicide in the past month. Relationships are everything, an on so many levels apply to taking care of ourselves and in so doing, you can take care of the world at the same time.
Maybe this is what Jesus was trying to say when he showed us what discipleship looks like. Realizing his human finitude, he involved his infinitide by showing his 12 best friends how to take care of each other and the world. Can we do any less or any different than this example? I haven't figured that out yet. Don't know that I ever will.. But maybe we need to think about it a bit more.
As for me, right now, there's a very lonely bass guitar in the corner, begging to be tuned up.
C ya. :-)